
EMS Biosafety Transport for Operators



Full course description

EMS Biosafety Transport for Operators

Release Date: 4/13/2023

Expires: 04/12/2024

The estimated time to complete this enduring material is 240 minutes.


The course aims to increase understanding about standard and transmission-based infection control practices and provides education about high consequence infectious diseases like COVID-19, Mpox, Ebola Virus Disease, Smallpox, SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), MERS (Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome), novel influenza viruses, like H5N1, and seasonal as well as pandemic influenza. 

Education about these diseases, specifically the clinical course of the disease, the availability of medical countermeasures and appropriate infection control measures is essential for developing the competencies and the confidence to manage and transport patients suspected or confirmed to be infected with a high consequence infectious disease. 

The course also describes operational considerations for management and transport of patients with high consequence infectious diseases, to include, selection of PPE, donning and doffing of PPE, modification of the ambulance, destination considerations, decontamination and disinfection of the ambulance and durable medical equipment, waste management and post-mission medical surveillance.


This accredited continuing education activity is designed for EMS providers of all types/levels/certifications as well as any other clinical personnel including physicians, advanced practice providers, and nurses who are at risk for exposure to patients with high consequence infectious diseases.


At the conclusion of this enduring material, the participants should be better able to:

  • Discuss high consequence infectious diseases (smallpox, Mpox, COVID-19, SARS, MERS, Ebola, novel influenza) including standard and transmission-based infection control procedures. 
  • Describe the health care team’s roles and responsibilities involving implementation of a hierarchy of controls to prevent inadvertent exposure to infectious bodily fluids through the use of appropriate PPE and implementation of infection prevention guidelines for ambulances. 
  • Articulate processes required for safe management of wastes and post-mission health monitoring related to associated risks of exposures.  


In order to receive a certificate of completion, you must complete the following steps:

  1. View all modules and materials associated with this course 
  2. Complete the post-test with a score of 70% or better
  3. Complete the online evaluation
  4. Submit the Completion Attestation


The below faculty have nothing to disclose:

  • Michael Carr, MD, FACEP, FAEMS*
  • Alexander Isakov, MD, MPH*
  • Wade Miles, NRP*
  • Benjamin Tysor, NRP*

*faculty and planning committee member


The below planning committee members have nothing to disclose:

  • Britton Clark, MPH
  • Valeta Creason-Wahl, HMCC
  • Chimora Imonugo, MD, MPH
  • Heidi Keeler, PhD, MSN/MBA, RN
  • Benjamin Mattson, MS. Ed
  • Jason Noble, BA, BFA
  • Renee Paulin, MSN, RN, CWOCN
  • Brenda Ram, CMP, CHCP
  • Debbie Von Seggern-Johnson, NRP, EMSI


Course materials were developed by the Emory Section of Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, Grady EMS, and the Emory Office of Critical Event Preparedness and Response with contributions from the Omaha Fire Department. 


The dissemination of this program is funded by ASPR.

Sign up for this course today!
