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Waste management is a critical component in the care of patients potentially infected with special pathogens. By the end of this session, participants will be better equipped to handle the complexities of special pathogens waste management, ensuring safety and regulatory compliance.
Listing Catalog: NETEC
An overview of the National Special Pathogen System (NSPS), a nationwide system for preparing for and responding to special pathogens. Panelists discuss the history, mission, and vision of the NSPS, as well as the minimum capabilities required for health care facilities in the tiered system of care.
Listing Catalog: NETEC
Discuss the latest approaches and considerations for managing H5N1 including the Identify-Isolate-Inform framework, recommended Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) practices, key lab considerations for testing high-risk individuals, and H5N1 treatment and care options.
Listing Catalog: NETEC
The Infection Prevention Learning Journey introduces three elements of the Hierarchy of Controls: engineering, administrative, and personal protective equipment (PPE). Concepts will enhance IPC knowledge and skills.
Listing Catalog: NETEC
Managing Mpox in 2024. Valuable insights from leading experts on the current landscape of Mpox, both domestically and internationally. Including the latest Mpox vaccine recommendations and treatment options. Lab considerations for specimen collection and testing and differentiation between categories of waste.
Listing Catalog: NETEC
Bolivian (BHF) and Argentine (AHF) hemorrhagic fevers are zoonotic diseases with the potential for human-to-human transmission. This NETEC presentation describes the epidemiology of AHF and BHF cases, risk factors, clinical presentations and management, and reviews a public health program model for arenavirus control.
Listing Catalog: NETEC
An overview of how climate change and environmental factors affect disease epidemiology and the emergence of vector-borne diseases—and their impact on human, animal, and environmental health.
Listing Catalog: NETEC
The Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) purpose is an incident management system based on the Incident Command System's (ICS) principles. This module will discuss Hospital Incident Command System considerations for special pathogens activations.
Listing Catalog: NETEC
This course aims to increase understanding about standard and transmission-based infection control practices and provides education about serious communicable diseases like COVID-19, Mpox, Ebola Virus Disease, Smallpox, SARS, MERS, novel influenza viruses like H5N1, and seasonal and pandemic influenza.
Listing Catalog: NETEC
Identify efficient operational processes when coordinating alternative care sites for patients who are critically-ill related to COVID-19.
Listing Catalog: Webinar Series
Articulate the pathophysiology of the hypercoagulable state seen in COVID-19, discuss the current evidence surrounding anticoagulation in COVID-19, and describe institutional practice patterns for anticoagulation.
Listing Catalog: Webinar Series
In this course we will identify the importance of assessment and on-the fly planning when caring for an unplanned influx of patients needing dialysis.
Listing Catalog: Webinar Series
Strategies and information on the many aspects of behavioral health considerations for patients and staff. Including strategies for mitigating the potentially harmful psychological effects of isolation on patients, their families, and the medical staff who care for them, and strategies to promote well-being and resilience.
Listing Catalog: NETEC
Discuss the importance of effective collaboration and communication during the intake/screening and referral processes concerning COVID-19 between home health clinicians, patients, and caregivers.
Listing Catalog: Webinar Series
Approach to care for COVID patients and those under investigation for labor and delivery.
Listing Catalog: Webinar Series
Review current infectious disease threats applicable to the pre-hospital environment with a focus on COVID-19.
Listing Catalog: Webinar Series
Discuss the initiative of rapid preparedness for SARS-CoV-2 as derived from a community health agency with over 100 years of experience battling infectious outbreaks.
Listing Catalog: Webinar Series
Discuss effective leadership strategies, the development of policies and procedures, and identifying necessary modifications to unit programming that will allow for successful management of COVID-19 and on inpatient psychiatric units.
Listing Catalog: Webinar Series
Identify risk factors associated with COVID-19-related acute kidney injury.
Discuss strategies to minimize resource scarcity related to those undergoing renal replacement therapy during a crisis situation.
Listing Catalog: Webinar Series
Discuss current state of the COVID-19 pandemic including hotspots in the US and world, country-wide testing needs, evidence regarding possible re-infections and data behind the newest therapeutic guidelines.
Listing Catalog: Webinar Series